
Our Sponsors

What are the perks of being our sponsors

Sponsorship Benefits
  • Build a customer base
  • Gain valuable insights
  • Expand your content strategy
  • Foster a positive reputation
  • Generate leads
  • Reach sales goals
  • Benefit from association
Brand / Product Awareness

Matric Idols SA reaches schools around the country. Our contest runs every week of the year thereby ensuring extremely high engagement  with your relevant target audience

Create a Real Time opt in Customer database

Through our tech partner SimplyKonnect, you will be able to create a real time customer database which is POPIA compliant through opt in solutions

Become the brand of choice

Stay relevant and become the brand of choice to your target audience. Communication has never been easier with the masses seeing with your brand / product on a daily basis

Become a sponsor

Matric Idols SA is fast becoming the most sought after family contest in South Africa. Our growth has been nothing short of phenomenal and we anticipate a target audience of 26 000 000 people within the next 2 years.

Secure your sponsorship with Matric Idols SA.

Email for more information:


We are always looking for talented individuals to join the team